All manuscripts submitted to this journal must follow the focus and scope, and the guidelines of the authors of this journal. The submitted manuscript must discuss scientific benefits or novelty that is appropriate to the focus and scope. All manuscripts must be free of plagiarism content. All authors are advised to use plagiarism detection software to perform similarity checks. Editors check the plagiarism detection of articles in this journal by using Turnitin software.
Research articles submitted to this journal will be reviewed by a minimum of 1 (one) reviewer. Reviewers provide valuable scientific comments to improve the content of the author's manuscript.
The final decision on the acceptance of the article will be made by the editor according to the reviewer's comments. The publication of accepted articles, including the order in which the articles are published, will be carried out by the chief editor taking into account the order of the date of acceptance and geographical distribution of the authors as well as thematic issues.
Result Type
There are four types of editorial decisions during the peer review process, namely:
Decline submission | Resubmit for review | Revision Required | Accept submission
Decline submission
After peer review, the paper was judged unacceptable for publication in the Buletin Farmatera Journal and resubmission was not required.
Resubmit for review
The submitted version of the paper is unacceptable and requires major revisions, but there is potential to resume and the Buletin Farmatera Journal is ready to consider a new version. Authors are offered the opportunity to resubmit their paper as a new submission. The suitability of the paper will still be considered by the editor in accordance with the scope and standards of the Husada Scout Journal. Resubmitted manuscripts will be returned to the editor.
Revision Required
The paper needs to be improved before a final decision is made. Authors are required to revise their manuscripts based on comments received from reviewers and editors and are expected to resubmit the revised version within 2 weeks of receiving the decision letter. A point-by-point explanation of how feedback from reviewers and editors has been responded to, should be included in the revised version of the paper. Revisions may undergo a further review process and the paper may undergo more than one round of revisions. If the authors do not revise their paper, then the paper can still be rejected from publication in the Buletin Farmatera Journal.
Accept submission
Papers are accepted for publication, according to the format of the final version of the manuscript. There is still the possibility of minor revisions to ensure the paper fully complies with the journal's criteria. After a final review by the editor, the paper is forwarded for publication.
The final manuscript will be sent to the author for final review. Corrections to the final manuscript are limited to editing errors: other changes to the text, or grammar, are left to the author. This manuscript must be returned to the editor within three days of receipt by the author to minimize the risk that the manuscript will not be suspended on the next publication. The editor is not responsible for the correctness of the published content. It is the author's responsibility to check the content at the stage before it is published.